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Plantando árboles

Services community

Environmental education, awareness and socio-environmental promotion

From the Community Environmental Education approach, we seek to build a new environmental and water knowledge, for which we define methodological alternatives and work spaces focused on the active training of creative thinking, development of sustainable solutions and socio-environmental awareness that promotes positive impacts.


Thus, we seek to develop new environmental attitudes and values that are a contribution to mitigate crises, reduce social and environmental problems and transform people's attitude towards nature, in the search for an increasingly harmonious coexistence.


In a timely manner, our training offer is directed towards socio-environmental promotion, awareness and technical training in the management of water resources. As a continuous process, we add to the transmission and generation of capacities in diverse community leaders, universities, private companies and institutions; counting on a diverse offer of courses, seminars and training workshops designed to measure, which respond to a multitude of professional management areas.

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Projects management

We seek to develop interventions at the community level, ranging from very specific actions to projects, programs or public policies on human development, where the right to water becomes a central axis.


In this sense, the WATER FOR EVERYONE Association has validated work methodologies that are adaptable to different contexts that allow the development of manuals, guides, work plans and action protocols.


We promote social inclusion and co-management of initiatives involving various local actors and community leaders from day one of the beginning of any social and cultural process; thus, people become true subjects of action, participants and agents of change.

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The Green Projects incubator program is a strengthening of local development, where facilities led by groups of women, organized communities, students or other vulnerable groups, whose function is to manage, plan and develop projects, are adapted or technified. of a socio-environmental nature, which allow the generation of a green product to be placed in the national market from seed capital.

In this sense, we offer an offer of some possible lines of intervention for the development of Green Projects:

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Comprende el establecimiento de capital semilla que permite generar soluciones integrales a la transformación de los residuos orgánicos mediante estudios técnicos consensuados y establecimiento de viveros comunitarios que garanticen huertas de autoconsumo de manera sostenible, promoviendo la seguridad alimentaria en las comunidades. El establecimiento del Capital Semilla para la Transformación de residuos contempla acciones y proyectos sostenibles, paralelo a un proceso de capacitación a líderes comunitarios que permite lograr una mayor sostenibilidad.

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Con el fin de contribuir a la recarga de los mantos acuíferos y la protección de áreas verdes públicas, ejecutamos conservación de ecosistemas basados en estudios técnicos, sensibilización y educación ambiental. Acciones desarrolladas por la Asociación WATER FOR EVERYONE, la institucionalidad pública y en coordinación con las municipalidades correspondientes. Se busca que estas estrategias promuevan cambio cultural, relacionado con la conservación del recurso hídrico y la gestión de los residuos sólidos.

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From the role of process facilitators, the WATER FOR EVERYONE Association reinforces the commitment it has with education and technical training, focused on promoting knowledge, capacities and abilities so that people can achieve economic autonomy that allows them to generate a income while conserving the environment.


Thus, we promote specific initiatives of community cultural / rural tourism such as those tourist experiences planned and integrated in a sustainable way to the rural environment, and managed by the residents themselves, who organize themselves for the benefit of the community.

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(506) 8845-3229

(506) 8845-3229

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